Number 2: They blame you.
Imagine you’re in a relationship with a narcissist and things start going south. Instead of taking responsibility for their actions, narcissists blame you. You might hear things like “You’re too needy”, “you’re too emotional”, or “You’re too demanding”. Narcissists point fingers at you, making you feel like the relationship’s failure is your entire fault. Psychologists and psychiatrists have studied this behavior and noticed that narcissists are masters at deflecting blame.
Dr. Craig Malkin, a clinical psychologist, points out that narcissists use this tactic as a defense mechanism to protect their fragile egos. These experts agree that narcissists twist the truth to fit their narrative. They’ll manipulate situations to make you feel guilty and responsible for the problems in the relationship.
This toxic behavior can leave you feeling confused, hurt, and questioning yourself. Dr. Romani Durvasola explains that narcissists make you doubt yourself and your worth. They’ll make you feel like you’re the problem when their unresolved issues are causing the trouble.
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