Narcissism 101

10 Dirty Ways Narcissists End Their Relationship


Number 5: They smear your reputation.

Narcissists want to make themselves look like shiny heroes while making you the bad guy. Psychologists and experts in this field have observed this behavior in narcissists. They believe that narcissists do this to maintain their inflated sense of self-importance.

By tarnishing your image, they can elevate themselves in the eyes of others. It’s like they’re saying, “Hey, look at me! I’m so amazing and flawless that the other person is a total mess.” This reputation-smearing tactic takes various forms.

They might go around spreading rumors or flat-out lies about you. Or worse, they might try to turn your friends and family against you, playing on their emotions and trust. It’s a severe emotional rollercoaster that can leave you feeling isolated and emotionally wrecked.

Number 6: They look for another partner and replace you quickly.

They’re constantly searching for someone to feed their ego, which they call a narcissistic supply. As this new partner enters the picture, the narcissist might distance themselves from you. It’s as if you’re no longer the shiny object they want to play with; instead, they’re busy with their new toy that feeds their ego. Eventually, narcissists likely end the relationship with you. And here’s the thing: it might not even be a clean break. Narcissists can be manipulative and cunning, which might string you along, leaving you confused and hurt.

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