Narcissism 101

10 Reasons Narcissists Don’t Like Being At Home


Number 7: Craving novelty and excitement.

The routine nature of home life contrasts sharply with the ever-changing external world that narcissists crave. The home’s predictability fails to satiate their appetite for novelty and excitement. Venturing outside exposes them to a constant stream of new experiences, people, and stimuli that cater to their insatiable desire for variety. The dynamic nature of the external environment serves as a perpetual playground for narcissists seeking the thrill of the unknown.

The narcissist, becoming disenchanted with the routine of daily life, yearns for excitement. The familiar surroundings and predictable schedule at home feel stifling. To satisfy this craving, they impulsively book last-minute vacations, seeking the thrill of new experiences and a temporary escape from the monotony of home. The pursuit of novelty becomes a coping mechanism, allowing the narcissist to momentarily escape the confines of domestic routine in favor of the dynamic and ever-changing external world.

Number 8: Control and dominance.

Narcissists are driven by a relentless need for control and dominance in their interactions. The external world provides a stage where they can manipulate situations, people, and events to reinforce their sense of superiority. The lack of control within the confines of the home may be unsettling for narcissists, prompting them to seek external environments where they can assert their dominance and influence over others.

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