Narcissism 101

10 Reasons Why Narcissists Secretly Destroy Your Possessions


Number 6: Narcissists Are a Killjoy

Narcissists constantly seek enjoyment as they conform to the Hedonism theory: maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. They want to live their life to the fullest but are a killjoy in other people’s lives.

By secretly planning to destroy your possessions, narcissists discreetly ruin your valuable belongings. They find joy in witnessing you struggle to fix and restore your life to its normal state.

Narcissists do not want to see you happy because they think they should be overjoyed. By plotting to ruin your personal effects, narcissists secretly destroy your possessions to make you suffer.

Number 7: Narcissists Love to Destroy Valuable Possessions

Narcissists do not understand nor respect other people’s valuable belongings. By secretly destroying them, narcissists show little to no remorse for their actions.

Narcissists will never apologize for their mistakes. Their ultimate goal in life is to enjoy operating on their dirty schemes. When others attempt to destroy what narcissists have, they will do everything to protect their possessions, even as they destroy yours.

Related: 10 Signs You Are Talking to a Covert Narcissist

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