Number 8: Narcissists Do Not Care About Your Efforts in Acquiring Your Possessions
It is easy for narcissists to destroy your possessions because they do not care about your efforts in acquiring them. All narcissists care about is themselves.
They lack feelings of remorse and are unconcerned about other people’s emotions. Despite knowing they cause others to struggle, narcissists only think about their own needs and desires.
Read More: 7 Things Narcissists Do When They Feel Unobserved
Number 9: Narcissists Do Not Know How to Take Good Care of Others’ Belongings
Narcissists are overprotective of their possessions but are destructive toward others’ belongings. They expect you to take extra care in handling their property but will never do the same for yours.
They will justify their destructive acts instead of apologizing.
Number 10: Narcissists Plot Their Revenge by Secretly Destroying Your Possessions
Narcissists often destroy your possessions as a way of plotting revenge. For instance, after a breakup, they may show up uninvited, puncture your car tires, or vandalize your property.
Narcissists are good at sabotaging your day and your life. Protect your personal belongings by setting healthy boundaries and staying alert. Never lower your defenses when narcissists are nearby.
Read More: 5 Ways You Can Outsmart A Narcissist
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