Number 5: They Want To Have A Sense Of Control Over People’s Lives.
To feel in control of their own life, narcissists need to feel in control of yours. They want to feel like they’re running your life and you’re just a little puppet who does whatever they want. Narcissists thrive on their ability to manipulate others through the use of shame, guilt, and fear. They are frequently drawn to positions in which they have the authority to impose rewards and punishments, even if they lack real authority or responsibility.
Narcissists want to be able to influence every aspect of your life. They tend to be manipulative and controlling and don’t like it when others make decisions without them. They like the idea that they can be in charge of other people and want to feel like they have some kind of power over the world around them. Narcissists also believe that if they can control other people’s behavior, especially their reactions, they will be able to protect themselves from criticism or abandonment.
Number 6: They Want To Feel Superior.
Narcissists are frequently motivated by a desire to feel superior. They have a very fragile self-image and believe that others will try to destroy their sense of self. So, they work hard to undermine others, so they can protect themselves from rejection or abandonment by making themselves feel superior to others. Narcissists desire to be regarded as the best. If someone has a better life than the narcissist, that person will receive more attention and praise from others, making the narcissist feel inferior.
So, the more they can make someone feel unimportant and worthless, the more superior they will feel. This is why they find it so easy to treat others with contempt, condescension, and disdain because it makes them feel better about themselves.
Read More: Things Narcissists Do Not Care About (YOU)
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