Narcissism 101 Psychology

10 Signs Someone Has a God Complex


Number 2: They gaslight others. 

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that often occurs in abusive relationships. This happens when an abuser tries to control their victim by twisting their sense of reality or by sowing self-doubt and confusion in their minds. Gaslighting is common among narcissists and people with a god complex. These people are so self-absorbed that it becomes difficult for them to recognize or accept another person’s feelings.

There are many reasons why someone with a god complex gaslights others; the important one is that they want to gain control over their partner. They might plan to emotionally abuse others to gain control and power over them. It’s not easy to realize that you’re being subjected to gaslighting, but some signs like feeling insecure, powerless, confused, and disappointed in yourself indicate that your partner is gaslighting you. The best way to deal with this type of abuse is to gain some distance or even end the relationship.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

Number 1: They’re addicted to power.

All humans desire power, but people with a god complex crave it. Study shows that power activates the reward center in the brain and creates an uncontrollable desire to dominate others. As the name indicates, people with a god complex think that they are the ultimate superheroes in this world. No one else can be at their level. Seeking power within limits is healthy. It motivates you to achieve your goals. However, an endless desire to control all aspects of others’ lives is intoxicating.

People with a god complex are obsessed with gaining complete control over others. Every tiny detail should go according to their plans. This doesn’t mean they are confident. In fact, this behavior is the substitute for their low self-esteem. They believe that they are error-free and so have the right to meddle in others’ affairs. People might mistake this craving for power as ambition, but they’re wrong. Those with a god complex misuse the power to hide their insecurities and feed their fragile self-esteem.

Read More: 7 Subtle Signs of Toxic Parents (Beware Narcissism!)

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