Number 9: A female narcissist appears to be endlessly disappointed with her life and everyone around her.
She is constantly frustrated, and she often lashes out at the people she thinks are responsible for her problems. She will often complain that she has no friends or that her ex-boyfriends are jerks. She may say that she is very unlucky in love and has never had a boyfriend who understood her. She may also complain about how much work she has to do, how difficult it is to get through the day, and how exhausting it is to keep up with her responsibilities.
Number 10: A female narcissist will constantly try to make you feel bad about yourself.
By making herself seem like the perfect woman by making you look bad. This way, if someone else has a different idea of who they think she is than what she wants them to think, which isn’t likely, they will believe her lies because they don’t know any better. They know they need to make you feel like a loser to win. Narcissists will constantly try to make you feel like your opinion doesn’t matter or aren’t smart enough. They will tell you that you’re not good enough for them and that no one else would want to anyway.
Female narcissists will do this repeatedly until it eventually affects your self-esteem. When dealing with a female narcissist, the main points to remember are facing them head-on, staying aware, and not working hard for their approval. The best way to deal with a female narcissist is to treat her like anyone else; be polite and kind, and respectful, but don’t engage in their bad behavior. Demand respect from them, but give none back. Stay away from them as much as possible, and stay strong.
Read More: 10 Mental Illnesses You Get From Narcissists.
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