Narcissism 101

10 Signs You’re Dating a Narcissist


Number 7: Lack of empathy.

One of the most common signs you’ll see in narcissistic partners is that they have no empathy whatsoever. If your partner always seems cold-hearted or does not appreciate the little things, then you could be dealing with a narcissist.

Appreciation and showing emotions play a big role in love and healthy relationships. Ask yourself does your partner care how you feel after having a bad day at work? Does that person ask how your day went? If the answer are no, then we’re afraid we have some bad news for you.

Narcissists don’t usually have long relationships because of their lack of empathy in them. Remember them not caring is a problem with them and not with you. It’s not you specifically that they don’t care about; it’s everyone other than themselves.

Number 6: They struggle to make long-term friends.

Narcissists do not have friends or colleagues who can be called best friends for life, they might show you or other people the group of homies or buddies they talk and hang out with, but never judge a book by its cover. They just surround themselves with a lot of people since they mainly spend their time with others just to avoid feelings of loneliness.

What’s worse however is that they can even make you feel guilty for hanging out more, or even talking to a lot of people because they feel threatened that you could be giving someone more attention than them, or worse receiving more attention than them. Thereby, feeling like you’re stealing the spotlight from them.

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