Narcissism 101

10 Strange Behaviors Only Covert Narcissists Exhibit


Number 6: False humility.

 False humility is yet another trait of covert narcissists. They pretend to be modest, unassuming, and humble while secretly seeking admiration and validation from others. Covert narcissists use false humility as a manipulative tactic. They downplay their accomplishments and act like they are not seeking attention or validation. But beneath this humble facade, they still focus on themselves and crave admiration and attention.

Number 7: We have smear campaigns.

When covert narcissists feel threatened or exposed, they launch smear campaigns to protect themselves and maintain control. They aim to tarnish their target’s reputation and manipulate others’ perceptions. During a smear campaign, covert narcissists spread false rumors, engage in gossip, and twist facts or exaggerate their target’s faults.

Number 8: Triangulation.

Covert narcissists often employ a tactic called triangulation to manipulate and control others. They create conflicts or tensions between people by playing them against each other. For example, they might spread rumors or make negative comments about one person to another, causing division and mistrust. By keeping people at odds with each other, covert narcissists maintain a sense of power and control over the situation.

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