Narcissism 101

10 Things A Narcissist Will Never Do


Number 2: Narcissists Don’t Let Anyone Prove Them Wrong.

If you try to show them that they are mistaken, they will either dismiss your attempt or get angry and defensive. Narcissists are so confident in their abilities that they don’t need to test their skills or get feedback from others. They know they can do it independently, so they never seek outside help or validation.

Since narcissists believe they are always right, they will not listen to any other point of view or consider it, even if it is backed up with facts and evidence. Narcissists are notoriously arrogant and proud. They think they are the best in the world, and there is no way anyone could come along and make them feel inferior. Narcissists certainly don’t change their minds just because someone else says so.

Number 3: Narcissists Will Never Apologize.

They aren’t capable of taking responsibility for their actions or admitting wrongdoings, so they’ll pretend as if nothing happened and move on with their lives. Narcissists don’t understand that they’re wrong, so they won’t apologize for their actions and instead will try to redirect blame onto someone else. It’s not that they can’t apologize they don’t see why they should.

Narcissists don’t see the need to apologize or know how it would benefit them. They won’t admit that they were wrong or that their actions hurt someone else they just don’t care. If you ask them to apologize, they’ll probably just say something like, “It’s not my fault you’re too sensitive.” They don’t care what you think or feel, and they have no concern for their impact on others. So if you’re waiting for them to apologize, you’re waiting forever.

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