Narcissism 101

10 Things A Narcissist Will Never Do


Number 4: Narcissists Will Never Forgive and Forget.

Forgiving someone who has wronged you is a normal, healthy thing it allows us to move on from the event and return to living our lives. Narcissists, however, are incapable of forgiving or forgetting someone who has wronged them, even if that person made an apology or sought forgiveness. They believe that people are always out to get them and that they’re doing everything they can to protect themselves.

Narcissists are notorious for holding grudges, but they’re also very strategic. They don’t just hold a grudge and let it fester they actively try to hurt you in the same way that broke them. That’s why they’ll never forgive and forget. They’ll remember everything you did wrong, hold on to it forever and use it against you later down the road.

Number 5: Narcissists Will Not Appreciate You.

They are selfish and egocentric they don’t care about anyone else’s feelings, so it’s unlikely they’ll bother to show appreciation for yours. Narcissists will not appreciate you, even if you try to do something nice for them like give them a gift or cook dinner. If you’re lucky enough to get a compliment, it’ll be insincere and hollow. They will never thank you for being there or helping them out when needed. They will never even acknowledge that your presence in their life is something to be thankful for.

Narcissists might say, “I’m so lucky to have someone like you,” but they mean, “I’m lucky that I have someone who puts up with me and my issues.” Narcissists will just expect you to be there for them because they feel entitled to it. They don’t understand the concept of reciprocity, so narcissists don’t return favors or do things for others without expecting something in return.

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