Number 9: Narcissists Will Never Be Responsible for Their Actions.
They will always make you feel crazy and unstable all a part of their game plan. They want to keep you on your toes so that you’ll never get a chance to figure out what’s going on with them. Narcissists also don’t want to be held accountable for their actions because it would mean admitting that they have flaws and aren’t perfect.
Narcissists may take responsibility for the consequences of their actions, but they will never feel guilty or shameful about them. Narcissists will always blame others for their problems and shortcomings because it’s the only way for them to preserve the image they have of themselves as superior and blameless.
Number 10: Narcissists Will Never Love You.
They’ll never be there for you in a time of need or offer to help when you’re overwhelmed with work. They’ll never ask what’s wrong when you’re upset or tell you they’re sorry if they hurt your feelings. Narcissists will only ever show concern for themselves. They’ll only be interested in what makes them happy and never care about making anyone else happy.
When you are in a relationship with a narcissist, it’s important to remember that you’ll never be the center of their universe. Narcissists don’t act out of love they act out of neediness and self-interest. Narcissists want what they want when they want it, and they don’t care how their actions affect others. While it is easy to believe that narcissists are completely immune to what ordinary people do, the truth is much different.
Narcissists will never admit defeat, but they will often feel it. They will never drop what they’re doing to help you, but they will often let you suffer in your time of need. Once you know what they are capable of and are not capable of, you can stop them in their tracks when they try to manipulate or intimidate you.
Read More: 4 Ways To Manipulate a Narcissist and Shut Them Down
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