8: “I never forgive or forget.”
So, if you have ever offended a Narcissist, which as we have discovered, is not hard to do; they will hold it against you forever. They are very vengeful and will constantly be looking for new ways to punish you and no punishment is ever enough. The Narcissist never stops seeking revenge.
So, being close to a Narcissist is risky business because whatever you say and do will be used against you as they are actively looking to be offended. They want to justify their hatred towards you and their desire to see you suffer.
9: “I have an Addictive Personality.”
Narcissists are predisposed to developing addictions whether it is substance abuse, gambling, pornography, promiscuous sexual behavior. These are all different ways for them to seek excitement and validation. It is a way for them to escape their inner torments. The Narcissist`s focus is on feeling good. But these sorts of risky behaviors will not only hurt the Narcissist but those who are close to them.
10: “I am a Pathological Liar.”
But this is the very reason why they will not tell you any of these things. Narcissists are all about deception. They lie to others. They lie to themselves. Truth and a Narcissist do not mix and that is why they can never be honest. Their life is built on lies. Without their lies they are nothing and they will have no one. So, telling lies is essential to their success and survival.
But to conclude if Narcissists were honest their lives will not be anything near to what they want it to be. Many of them will probably end up isolated or alone. Their lies allow them to manipulate and control. And their lies allow them to impress and influence others.
Their lies are also a form of entertainment. It amuses them when people believe their lies. With all the lies they tell the truth has become their poison as I discussed in this video. The truth of who they are and what they are about will destroy what they have built.
Therefore, Narcissists will never be honest but at least we know from experience what they are capable of and what they are not capable of. So, it is up to us to avoid such people when we realize what we are dealing with.
Read More: 10 Signs A Narcissist Is Discarding You
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