Narcissism 101

10 Things Narcissists Want To Do To You In The End


Number 9: Narcissists will always try to get you to feel bad about yourself.

They are people who are good at using other people’s kindness to get what they want; they are very interested in what makes you happy, sad, angry, or envious. Narcissists are always sizing you up to figure out how they can take advantage of your weaknesses. 

The goal is to find out as much as they can about you, so they can use that information against you. The narcissist is not easy to get along with. And they will take anything emotionally from you, no matter how good or bad it is.

Narcissists are cunning people who will do anything to get what they want from you, whether it’s money or your time and attention. They are always looking for ways to take advantage of your feelings. That’s why it’s so important for them to stay on task and work as well as they can.

Number 10: Narcissists will try to make you feel like you can’t live without them.

To get you to trust them, narcissists will make you feel alone and helpless as if no one else cares or can relate to your situation. They use powerful feelings of guilt in the threat that no one will care about you again if you don’t change to get what they want.

If they know how much you need them, they are more likely to keep you around. You have to be with them no matter if it makes sense for you in the long run or not. The worst kinds of people are narcissists, who feed off the energy of others. People with narcissism treat others as if they are things to be used up, for their own personal gain.

Tools that will make them feel better about themselves and help them move up the social ladder. It’s possible that a narcissist won’t make it clear that they want to control you or hurt you, but that’s not the case. If you can figure out why they do what they do, you can avoid their selfish actions and moves.

Read More: 10 Signs You’re Dating a Narcissist

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