Number 4. Do not put your faith in other people’s affirmation of you.
However, narcissists can’t maintain their sense of self together without a persistent belief in their own superiority. They need other people to make them feel bad about themselves in order to have a healthy self-image. For this reason, if you exude self-assurance, it will make them uncomfortable and perhaps threatened.
A person’s sense of value should not be contingent on the thoughts and feelings of others. Confidence means you don’t need other people to make you feel good about yourself. If you want to be happy and believe you deserve love and acceptance. You just need to convince yourself not anybody else, you know who you are and are secure enough in yourself to take criticism without letting it change who you are.
Number 5. Acceptance of others is not necessary to have a healthy sense of self-worth.
This is partially true; the consent of others is not required of a narcissist. You are the one person who can cause them to feel rejected. They so desperately fear themselves. Because of this, they place a high value on always receiving compliments from others. This is why interacting with a narcissist, can make you feel like you’re always winning without worrying about getting in trouble.
You’re free to act any way you like, and then tell your loved ones how much fun you had. Meanwhile, narcissists go home and try to figure out why they are so unpopular. A narcissist’s life can feel like a never-ending cycle of attempting to please others while gradually growing more and more discouraged by their own lack of success.
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