Number 6. You are completely independent and can manage on your own.
You don’t need anyone else for anything; it’s completely up to you whether or not you want to participate. You’re on your own now do as you like, you are one of a kind, and you are secure in your identity and also your ability to succeed on your own terms. People with a high level of narcissism; tend to gravitate toward those who are vulnerable and defenseless because they view these people as easy prey.
They know that until they’re ready, they won’t be able to get what they want from this person, someone’s admiration and esteem. Because the narcissist has nothing to lose if you’re demoted, they’ll feel bad about rejecting you have prayed. If they try to degrade you or influence you into doing what they want, they will fail.
Number 7. Inquire what makes you happiest.
You’ve discovered the source of your joy and strength, and they’re utterly scared by it. They are afraid of falling behind if they see your interest in anything. Narcissists seek to control and manipulate their victims so that they become completely dependent on them.
They are just about your complete pleasure with their services, they have seen how happy you are without them and would stop at nothing to win you back. If you know who you are and what makes you happy, it will be harder for them to change your mind.
Number 8. Do not make your mind up quickly.
Narcissists fear you because you are not easily convinced. You have your own ideas, principles, and ways of doing things, and you’re good at convincing others that they don’t know what they want or need. The goal of the narcissist is to have you act as their mindless slave; they wish to find someone who would blindly follow their instructions.
What a narcissist truly wants is somebody who will always support them and their every whim. If you are hesitant to alter your beliefs, they will have a harder time persuading you to do so. Because of this, narcissists are putting themselves In Harm’s Way. Don’t make them the most important thing in your life.
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