Narcissism 101

10 Things that Narcissists Value the Most in Their Supply


Number 6: Control.

One of the most important things a narcissist will look for in a supply is control. This is because they want to feel powerful over you, and to be able to manipulate you into giving them what they want. They also want to be able to make decisions for you, so they don’t have to work as hard to persuade you.

They want to be able to tell you what to do while pretending it was your idea all along; narcissists dislike it when others make their own decisions. Instead, they prefer that others follow their lead, narcissists need to feel in control of their supplies lives, and they will go to any length to maintain that feeling.

Narcissists frequently use emotional abuse to gain control over the people in their lives, they may also attempt to control your emotions, and feelings by playing games with you, or complimenting you when they require something from you.

Number 7: Power.

Power is everything to a narcissist, and they’ll go to any length to obtain and keep it. They place a high value on power; a narcissist is a sense of self-worth and identity is frequently linked to their power over others. Narcissists May believe they need to exert control over others to feel valuable.

They always seek ways to gain power over others and feel superior to them. The more powerful a narcissist believes he or she is the more convinced he or she is of his or her superiority and perfection. Power is vital to narcissists because it gives them a sense of security and self-worth. They believe that if they have power over another person, that person will be unable to harm or humiliate them.

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