Narcissism 101

10 Things that Narcissists Value the Most in Their Supply


Number 8: Influence.

Influence in their supply is vital to narcissists because it makes them feel powerful, money and other material goods are highly motivating for narcissists. Still, they also value the attention and admiration of being influential. Suppose you can convince a narcissist that they have significant power over you. In that case, they will most likely become attached to you.

They want to dominate, and they require Supply to do so. They want to be interred and expect you to follow their orders. Narcissists are unconcerned about your needs or whether you are satisfied with the decisions they make for you; they simply want to be able to control you and force you to do their will so that they can feel accomplished.

Number 9: Attention.

Attention is the most important thing to a narcissist; they yearn for it, crave for it, and want to be at the center of it. They require constant attention from their suppliers to feel good about themselves because they do not value themselves or their own merits. Instead, they require external validation from other people to feel good about who they are as individuals, this need for attention stems from an underlying sense of low self-esteem, usually resulting from childhood trauma such as abuse or neglect.

Narcissists thrive on attention and require it to survive; they seek out people who will lavish them with praise and admiration. This can manifest in various ways, they may be excellent at reading people’s body language, or they may simply be adept at making people feel heard and understood.

Number 10: Support.

Narcissists are frequently lonely people who want to feel as if they have someone by their side who care about them, and what they have to say. They place a high value on their supply’s ability to support them. This can take many forms: including emotional, financial, and even moral assistance. Narcissists always look for someone to back them up in their endeavors, so they can feel cared for.

They want someone to listen to them and tell them how wonderful they are, and when they need assistance with something. And also they want you to be their cheerleader, shoulder to cry on, and biggest fan. They value their supply for two reasons:

First, they’re required to feel good about themselves, and narcissists must believe that they are the best and that their opinions matter; they can’t get this in real life, so they look for people who will.

Second, they use their supply to manipulate them into doing things they want or need to do, narcissists expect you to do something for them in exchange for nothing; they are not interested in a relationship that benefits both parties. Supply is also crucial to narcissists because it allows them to feel controlled.

Read More: 6 Reasons Why Narcissists Will Continue To Do Evil To You

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