Number 1: A narcissistic victim seems too apologetic.
Due to prolonged episodes of victim-blaming tactics deployed by narcissists, narcissistic victims become too apologetic. Their abusers brainwashed them to believe they are always at fault. With that, narcissistic victims often say sorry to the people surrounding them.
Every time they mess up due to unintentional or honest mistakes, they will directly apologize to everyone around them for being careless. Human as we are, we are bound to err, but that does not always require asking for an apology from the people around us. Since nobody is perfect, we only need to consider our flaws and weaknesses, Avoid being too hard on ourselves, and forgive ourselves for all our shortcomings and mistakes.
Number 2: A narcissistic victim is introverted.
They often withdraw from society because of the abuse they experience from narcissists. They do this to avoid people, places, things, and events that may relive their trauma. Since they think they’re always at fault, they prefer to be alone than be with people to avoid experiencing the fear of offending others with their words or actions.
During their alone time, narcissistic victims often overthink their mistakes and blame themselves for all the bad things that happen to them. Do you know someone who might be suffering from narcissistic abuse? If so you can help them cope with their traumas by making them feel they are not alone in their battles, and stay by their side during their healing process. However, if they prefer to be alone in the meantime, just respect their privacy but assure them that you will be there for them whenever they need you.
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