Narcissism 101

10 Tips to Make the Narcissist Respect You


Number 5: Treat them with respect.

One of the most important things that you can do to make a narcissist respect you is to treat them with respect. It’s not enough to simply be nice; you have to act like they’re a good person too. Narcissists are often treated poorly by others, so if you want to get on their good side, treat them as though they deserve it.

If you see them in public and don’t say hello or offer them spirit change, don’t be surprised when they choose not to acknowledge your existence anymore. Try being friendly when they are around and being respectful in other ways.

Number 6: Maintain emotional distance.

The best way to make a narcissist respect you is to maintain emotional distance. You should never allow yourself to become emotionally intimate with a narcissist; this will empower them and make them more likely to try and control you.

The best way to keep yourself from being dominated is by maintaining emotional distance between the two of you at all times. Avoid playing the narcissist’s games. Narcissists play dirty cards whenever you try to defend yourself from their tactics. They’ll make everyone think that you are the bad person, turning the blame on you.

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