Narcissism 101

10 Tips to Make the Narcissist Respect You


Number 9: Stand firm to your needs.

If you want a narcissist to respect you, learn to stand firm to your needs. Be honest and open with them about your feelings and needs, even if there are times when they don’t seem to listen or care. Even if a narcissist cares only about their needs, you should always express your feelings and needs.

Remember to prioritize yourself first. If you cannot express what you need from someone, then they may not be able to understand what makes you happy and satisfied. With this, narcissists will take advantage of this misunderstanding by making decisions for both of you without your consent.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

Number 10: Spend time around people who do respect you.

Narcissists can be hard to deal with, they’re typically self-centered and don’t see the value in other people or their feelings. If you want to gain respect from a narcissist, it might help you spend time around people who respect you. When someone respects you, they see your value in the world and recognize your worth as a person. Know that no matter how much you try to fulfill the narcissist’s needs, they’ll fail to meet your own at some point.

Fulfill your sense of purpose elsewhere around people who treat others respectfully. Remember that being respectful doesn’t mean agreeing with everything they say; it just means being willing to listen. Never allow a narcissist to treat you with disrespect. They’ll never stop doing it once they realize they can. You must be self-assured and confident in who you are, and how you handle your life.

A narcissist may get under your skin and bother you, but the longer you allow them to treat you poorly, the worse they’ll treat you. Remember to follow these steps so you can live a better life with them.

Read More: 10 Ways To Stop Attracting Narcissists.

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