Number 3: They are always looking for flaws in your actions.
They will find fault with anything you do and exploit it to make you feel terrible about yourself. For example, they may tell you things like, “Your presentation was boring”, “your idea isn’t good enough”, or “Your work isn’t up to Snuff”.
In addition, they may seem preoccupied with gossip and criticizing others. It doesn’t matter how you organize your life; the covert narcissist will always find something to criticize.
They believe they are superior to others and are convinced of their correctness, so they fail to see when they are wrong. This behavior reinforces their sense of superiority and control. They will go out of their way to prove they are superior.
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What Makes Narcissists Crazy Thinking about?
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Number 4: They often lie without good cause.
They tend to lie and do not feel remorse for doing so. And they may convince you that they are telling the truth because they believe what they are saying, and may even convince themselves that their tails are accurate.
Also, they often use lies to get what they want or avoid their actions’ consequences. A covered narcissist will tell a ridiculous untruth to boost their ego. Furthermore, they will often exaggerate the truth. It may be as simple as a yes or no, but they will try to make it sound more complicated than it is.
Narcissists lie because they can get away with it. This is a manipulative and controlling technique. They like the power to determine the truth for themselves.
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