Narcissism 101

10 Weird Habits That Make Covert Narcissists So Dangerous To Be With


Number 5: They always give false apologies.

They refuse to take responsibility for their actions or accept blame. Even when you try to show them how they hurt you, they will insist that they never intended to cause pain. They have no remorse and will avoid discussing the issue. And they hope that by saying they’re sorry, the problem will go away.

They will keep repeating this until you give up asking those questions. A sincere apology can fix many problems. When we take responsibility for our mistakes and apologize to those we’ve hurt, it can repair relationships and make us feel better about ourselves.

However, covered narcissists have no intention of making amends. Their only concern is how they appear to others; they give empty apologies that have no real meaning.

Number 6: They are overly concerned with how others perceive them.

They are preoccupied with maintaining a perfect image but are skilled at keeping it hidden. They are willing to sacrifice anything to maintain this image, even if it means deceiving and fooling those around them.

People with high levels of narcissism are more likely to exaggerate their achievements at work or blame others for their mistakes. Praise and admiration from others are like a drug to covered narcissists. They need and want others to notice and appreciate them.

However, they also want the positive feedback that comes from making others happy with their attention. They don’t directly ask for what they want, but instead, use their nice behavior to manipulate others into giving it to them.

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