Narcissism 101

How to Deal With a Narcissistic Mother (Stop Her!)


Number 1: Stay calm.

 Even if the narcissistic mother is being rude or inconsiderate, it is better to keep your calm and talk through it maturely instead of letting emotions block your sense of rationality. As they are very manipulative, they might change your mood for the worse. The key thing to do in such a situation is to not let her have too much power over herself and not give her the reaction that she is hoping for. Overpower her by staying cool and composed.

Number 2: Set your boundaries.

Even though it is the better choice to stay calm in difficult situations, it is better to set your boundaries and let others know exactly where they stand. If you want to keep your mental peace, it is important to let them know what they can and can’t do. They should know what is okay and what is not. And if they try to cross those boundaries, they are the ones who are in the wrong. They will need to follow the ground rules and not overstep their boundaries.

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