Narcissism 101

3 Reasons Why The Narcissist Disappears


Reason number 3: For their sadistic pleasure.

And it’s a bit two-fold because they are doing it to punish you but also so that you can chase them. Narcissists like the idea of people fretting over them or worrying about them. So, they would disappear, block you, or go completely AWOL hoping that they are hurting you in the process.

This happens when a Narcissist thinks they are relevant or extremely important to someone. They would go silent, ignore or completely disappear from that person just to make them suffer. And their egos are stroked even further when that person chases after them.

It all makes them feel desired and powerful so the Narcissist would do it, just to feed their ego with the bonus of knowing that they are making you suffer. This is why you cannot be dependent on a Narcissist. They will abuse that position and power.

But those are 3 of the reasons why a Narcissist would disappear. They are all very selfish and it is clear that the Narcissist is only thinking about themselves. They do not care if you miss them or if they hurt you and make you worry. Narcissists want us to be heavily invested in them only so that they can hurt us more. That is why we always say disconnect and start with your emotions and then the Narcissist will not be able to hurt you.

Read More: 10 Things Narcissists Do During Silent Treatment

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