Step 2: Give them a drip supply.
You cannot disagree with a narcissist continuously and assume they are going to agree with you. If you want them to agree to the fact that they owe you, let’s say, $2 million in alimony, they are not going to give it to you right away if you do not give them some form of drip supply. An example of this could be a narcissist’s desire to win and defeat you.
Now, how can you potentially make them think they have won and you have failed? Possibly, you can ask for something way higher than your actual amount, knowing that’s not what you are going to get, and then they will give you something around that number, thinking they have won and you have lost. What is the drip supply given here?
You have made them think and feel they have won, that they are better than you, and that they have more brains than you when in reality you have driven their behavior through their fear of failure. This is yet another example of knowing your moves, being two steps ahead, and giving them a drip supply.
Sometimes you have to stroke their ego as well, but that’s not going to work all the time, and you have to be very cautious when doing that. If you, for example, tell them via text that they are a good father or praise them in a certain way, you have to know if that is going to be used against you in court. Because tomorrow, they can claim that you are lying, that you believe they are a good parent, a good person, and they might provide your text as proof.
So you have to be quite tactical when stroking their ego and giving them a drip supply. What you can do is selectively agree to the things that benefit you and your children, but always make it about your children and not about yourself. Because what they do not want to do in any case is benefit you; they will go to any extent to harm you.
You have to understand this and know that your amicability, the desire to be cooperative, direct, and end it nicely, is just a fantasy. Please leave it there; that’s not going to work here. You are on a battlefield, and every move you make has to be made very cautiously because you can step on a mine. This is a minefield, so you know what path you are going to move forward in and take your steps cautiously.
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