Step 3: Be very unpredictable.
When it comes to making moves, do not share every single bit of information. Do not show them your cards; keep them very close to your chest. You should have several tools, and several weapons to launch against them, but they should not know what exactly you have in your arsenal. If they get to know what your strategy is, they will have a counter-strategy to defeat you. Ethical or unethical, it does not matter to them. If a narcissist can, they will. That is their mantra: “If I can, I will.” No element of conscience could trigger that thought process of “Should I do that? Can I do that? Is it even legal to do that?” No. If they can, they will.
Be very unpredictable when it comes to showing the world who you have dealt with. They have a lot to say; you have a lot to show. When you become unpredictable, the narcissist starts to squirm because they need to read your emotions, they need to read your mind, and they need to know what you are doing. If you approach it quite casually until the right time comes and you strike when the iron is hot—basically when you show the world who they are through all the things that you have documented and by explaining their traits and backing up their personality traits with evidence—I’m talking about being vengeful, aggressive, controlling, punitive, manipulative. That’s who they are, and the court system understands those traits.
When you do that, you are going to be very unpredictable, and that can expose them. That can trigger their narcissistic rage, and then they might shoot their foot by showing the world who they are behind that facade, underneath that veneer. They will tear themselves apart, and you just have to witness that by being silent. You cannot react to them emotionally because if you do, you will become their puppet. You have to fight them internally before you fight them externally. Keep that in mind.
Related: 10 Signs You Are Talking to a Covert Narcissist
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