Narcissism 101

5 Tell Tale Signs Of Narcissistic Collapse


After a couple of hours, he called me in a gathering of people; he just pointed out and called me towards himself. And when he did, he started berating me quite out loud in a very uncontrollable manner, berating me for not greeting him or saying hi to him. To my defense, I reminded him that I did so. On that, he got even more enraged because I was questioning his memory, which was not functioning.

See, since he was very old, he then started glorifying his past days how powerful he used to be how he used to terrorize people, and how his voice was a symbol of fear for so many people. He did it shamelessly as if he was trying to bring those days back but in a very helpless manner could not do so.

This example just shows us how much they want to be who they used to be. When they are collapsed, they want to go back and bring those days back to life and live them because when they used to have those experiences, their false self was quite intact. They were full of supply. They used to play with people like objects and toys.

From the story, we can learn two things. Number one, narcissist defenses are still intact in some capacity even when the narcissist has collapsed. And number two, if they have nothing to take supply from, they would take it from within, their own experiences, their memories, from their own old stories that they have created in their head.

Number 4: Compulsive behavior.

Compulsive behaviors intensify to rebury what was unearthed by the collapse. They become more compulsive than ever. Their addictive behaviors take over, and they take part in high-risk behaviors like gambling, drinking, rash driving, and using drugs. The calculatedness in their behavior is gone, and they are more reactive to their environment in general.

Their addiction becomes quite dynamic, and it keeps shifting from one thing to the other, from food to pornography to self-sabotage of any kind.

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