Number 5: Extreme paranoia.
Persecutory paranoia, someone has persecuted them and nowhere. When they are constantly thinking about how others are plotting against them and how others are trying to attack them. And when narcissists get to this point of collapse, it becomes ten times more because narcissists are paranoid in general. But when they collapse, they turn into this wounded animal that becomes more dangerous than ever because they feel super vulnerable at this point.
Their narcissistic defenses are intensified, and their delusions and paranoia become more rigid and psychotic. They think everybody is into planning and plotting against them, everyone is just trying to hurt them in one or the other way. They could come up with bizarre paranoia like the government is listening to them through their mobile phone, they are listening to them through the radio, you are plotting against them with other people and you want to just take away what they have.
You are plotting and planning against them because you are jealous of their happiness, the neighbor is going to kill their dog, you are going to do this, they are going to do that, and the list goes on and on and on. They do not stop. At this point, it’s like this person, the narcissist, turns into a crazy being who is completely out of control. It becomes absurd at this point, and they turn into beings who have lost it all.
Read More: Super Empath vs Greater Narcissist, Shocking Insights from a Real Narcissist Inside!
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