Narcissism 101

5 Weird S**exua**l Habits of a Narcissist


Number 5: Lack of Intimacy.

They treat your body like a toy. A lot of narcissists are quite intimate in the beginning; they make you feel like there is nobody out there with whom you can have such a strong s*e*x*u*a*l connection, which is what you crave. Later, when they devalue you, initially they may adore you, and they may make you feel touched because they have mastered the art of making people fall for their facade, and this is a part of it. But later, they know how to withdraw it, how to crave it, how to starve you.

This changed behavior of theirs is nothing but a part of the bigger strategy. They know how to make you doubt yourself and your attractiveness by withholding s**ex. They do it a lot. Yet, some narcissists are dead inside, and cannot offer any intimacy at all. Some of them do not like to kiss. If you kiss them on their lips, know that you are going to face wrath; you are going to face the rage.

They don’t want to get there. I can’t tell you exactly why, but there are so many narcissists out there who hate kissing. Maybe that makes them feel intimate, maybe that triggers emotions. Maybe that makes them feel weak, whatever it is, but they don’t want to go there.

Somatic narcissists, being on the other end of the spectrum, can create intense s*e*x*u*a*l chemistry on purpose. There won’t be any emotionality to it, but it would be intense, which is what could also create cognitive dissonance and make you think, “Well, there is something to hold on to.” Nonetheless, it’s all about them and their body.

All in all, we can say they treat you like an object. They rub their bodies against you; it’s not more than that. You are used as a toy, as an object. Once they’re done with you, they throw you away. There’s nothing after that. They don’t even make eye contact. They don’t hold you. You crave it, but they just use you. That is how s**ex feels with a narcissist.

Read More: 7 Emotional Abuse Tactics Used By Narcissists

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