Narcissism 101

5 Weird Texting Habits of a Narcissist Revealed


Number 4: They will not read the entire message.

They won’t read the entire text necessary to fully understand your opinion, and your point of view. Instead, they will scan all those messages for one thing, to pick and choose words that can be fabricated to flip the narrative, to create one of their own that doesn’t make any sense, that has nothing to do with what you said in the first place.

Why, you may ask? Of course, to become the victim in the situation and to punish you, to keep you involved, to keep you busy in explaining yourself so that they have to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Also, as you already know, everything triggers a narcissist because of their fragile ego.

So does your text, instead of objectively looking at things, and thinking, wondering, and reasoning, they take it as blame. Your expression is perceived as criticism and nothing else. That’s why they change everything, they turn tables around and make it seem like you are attacking them. The entire text loses its meaning, and they clearly show that there is no way to have any form of communication or a conversation with them.

This is the reason why I suggest that you should not send long messages explaining why you feel a certain way and what they need to do. They don’t care about that. They will take all of it as an attack or they don’t care enough to read it to understand it.

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