Narcissism 101

7 Emotional Abuse Tactics Used By Narcissists


Tactic number 2: Narcissists invalidating your feelings.

Have you ever felt like your feelings don’t matter to someone? Well, that someone might just be a narcissist. These people have a knack for brushing off your emotions like they’re nothing. It’s like they don’t even care how you feel, whether you’re angry, sad, or happy. They find a way to make it seem like your feelings don’t count.

And let me tell you, that can mess with your head. It’s like they’re saying your emotions aren’t important, which can make you feel pretty small and worthless. But here’s the thing: your feelings are valid, no matter what they say. Don’t let their dismissive attitude make you doubt yourself. You deserve to be heard and understood, so don’t let them make you feel otherwise. Hold your head high and remember that your feelings matter, no matter what anyone else says.

Tactic number 3: Manipulative flattery.

Have you ever met someone who just can’t stop showering you with compliments? Well, watch out, they might be a narcissist. These people love to lay it on thick with the flattery, making you feel like you’re walking on Cloud9. But here’s the catch: it’s all part of their game. They’re not being genuine; they’re trying to manipulate you. Yep, that’s right, they use those sweet words to reel you in, to make you feel special and important. But don’t be fooled; it’s all a ploy to gain control over you. And guess what? Once they’ve got you hooked, they’ll start pulling the strings.

Suddenly, those compliments turn into criticisms, and you’re left wondering what happened. It’s like a roller coaster ride of emotions, with highs and lows that leave you feeling dizzy and confused. But here’s the thing: you don’t need their validation to feel good about yourself. You’re fantastic just the way you are; no flattery is required. So, if someone’s laying it on thick with compliments, take a step back and ask yourself: Why? Are they being genuine, or are they just trying to manipulate you?

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