Narcissism 101

7 Emotional Abuse Tactics Used By Narcissists


Tactic number 6: Intimidation.

Narcissists frequently use intimidation tactics to maintain power and dominance over their victims. This could involve verbal threats, aggressive behavior, or even physical violence. The mere threat of retaliation is often enough to keep victims compliant and submissive, trapped in a cycle of fear and coercion.

Tactic number 7: Threat.

Have you ever had someone try to scare you into doing what they want? That’s a classic move of a narcissist. These people aren’t afraid to pull out all the stops to get their way. They’ll threaten to leave, to hurt themselves, or to spill your secrets, all to keep you under their thumb. And let me tell you, it’s not a pleasant experience.

Those threats hang over your head like a dark cloud, making you feel scared and unsure of what to do. It’s like they’re holding you hostage, using fear to control you. But here’s the thing: you don’t have to give in to their threats. You have the power to stand up for yourself and say, “Enough is enough.” You deserve to feel safe and secure in your relationships, not constantly afraid of what might happen next.

So, if someone’s using threats to manipulate you, don’t let them get away with it. Stand tall and remember that you deserve respect and kindness, not fear and intimidation. Trust your gut and don’t let anyone use threats to control you. You’re stronger than you think, and you have the right to live your life without fear.

Read More: 7 Clues to SPOT the Narcissist Early

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