Narcissism 101

7 Mind Games The Narcissist Will Play With You


Number 6: They will play the victim role.

They need to look like they are innocent of wrongdoing. They need to look like they’re always trying to do the right thing. And if they do make a mistake, they will always hold someone else responsible for it. They would just say that if you did your part, it would never have happened. They would always find a way to blame you.

Number 7: They turn life into duty and obligation.

They talk to you in a way where everything is about requirements and obedience. And so, you have to uphold a moral or legal obligation. So, you are morally or legally bound to do something. They will hold you to some imagined contract or agreement. And so, you have to do something for them, and you have to follow the rules and regulations. And of course, they are the ones who write the rules.

These are the mind games that the narcissists will play with you. Their mind games are designed to make you lose your individuality. Narcissists are designed to make you lose whatever is special and unique about you. They want you to be under their control, where they can tell you what to be. They want to take you away from being who you naturally are or who you naturally would be if they didn’t intervene.


Don’t react to the narcissist. Observe what they’re saying or doing, but don’t absorb it. Respond rather than reacting emotionally. Narcissists want you to fear them. They want you to be angry and upset. They want you to defend yourself so that they can point the finger at you and see you as the problem. And they focus on your reaction rather than anything they did to cause it.

Don’t play their game. Don’t give them the reaction that they’re looking for, but don’t be afraid to confront them. Do not retreat or lose your advantage in the face of opposition, but don’t enter pointless arguments with the narcissist. Don’t get sucked into the rabbit hole. You can state your difference of opinion, but after that, there should be nothing more to say.

They want to confuse you. They want to make you doubt yourself. But now that you are aware of their games, you can choose not to be a part of them rather than support someone who doesn’t even value their own rules.

Read More: 4 Steps to get revenge on a Narcissist

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