Narcissism 101

7 Things Narcissists Do When They Feel Unobserved


Number 2: A narcissist monitors you secretly.

Nothing is worse for a narcissist than losing sight of a victim. They revel in the misery they cause you. Out of fear that you might slip away, they will make your life heavenly until you are back in line. Then they want total control. Never leave your phone unattended or accept a gift (like a phone) from a narcissist. With special software secretly installed on your smartphone, the narcissist can track your every move.

Number 3: A narcissist will cheat on you.

It is typical for this species of person that they do not know loyalty and fidelity. They may boast about both but for the narcissist, these are just empty words. They put on a show. To maintain their self-worth, they constantly devalue you. If you are faithful and loyal, they will accuse you of the opposite. While you are busy defending your honor, the narcissist is already cheating again. In relationships, most narcissists have affairs on the side or attempt to.

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