Number 7: They hate when you “betray” Them.
Even if you haven’t betrayed them, they can perceive it that way based on something as trivial as having a casual conversation with someone at a party or asking for salt from a random person at a dinner gathering. They possess the ability to arbitrarily label anything as an act of betrayal. Particularly with narcissistic individuals, their mindset operates in absolutes – things are either entirely right or completely wrong. They categorize you as either being on their side or in opposition. If you fall into the latter category, you instantly become their primary adversary. Consequently, you must align yourself definitively as either supportive of them or opposed to them, and anything has the potential to be interpreted as a betrayal; an action they truly detest.
Number 8: They Hate You for Loving Them
In some weird subconscious way, they kind of hate you because you love them and especially if you’re in a romantic situation with them, they almost kind of disrespect you or hate you, if you love them.
Read More: 5 Reasons to Never Take a Narcissist Back
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