Number 9: They are addicted to you because you don’t set boundaries.
Narcissists are people who have a distorted view of themselves and their importance. They believe that they are special and unique, but they are just regular people like the rest of us. They have a lot of trouble with boundaries, they have difficulty setting other people as separate beings and respecting other people’s feelings, space, and time.
This is why they often cross boundaries that anyone sets. This is also, why they are so challenging to deal with in a relationship. They don’t respect your boundaries and expect everyone to be like them- obsessed with themselves. Narcissists need this kind of person because it makes them feel important, worthy, and powerful.
It also, allows them to take advantage of that person without feeling guilty because they believe that they deserve everything they get from their partner. If you want to avoid attracting narcissists in the first place, then you need to learn how to set healthy boundaries for yourself, and how not to let others cross them.
You’re special, narcissists know it, and they can’t help themselves from wanting you around. They are addicted to the feeling of power they get when they can get someone else to do what they want. And they will always try their hardest to break down your defenses until they have complete control over them.
After the addiction is draining, they’ll discard you as easily as they did their last victim once they’ve accomplished it. They move on to the next target while blaming you for everything that went wrong.
Read More: 10 Weird Habits That Make Covert Narcissists So Dangerous To Be With
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