Narcissism 101

Are Narcissists Born or Made?


 Number 7: What if either of the parents is narcissistic?

Narcissistic parents treat their children the way they wanted to be treated when they were kids. For example, they can choose activities for the children, so the children don’t choose the activities they like. And that’s also another form of hindering them from fully expressing themselves. They’re not emotionally available to their kids.

They have a way of placing unrealistic expectations on children by imposing their own needs and expectations on them. This cuts across all personality disorders in parents, especially cluster B personality disorders.

The main characteristic of cluster B disorders is overly emotional and unpredictable behavior that disregards the needs of others, for example, frequent arguments with the neighbors. Children learn by observation. They more often than not mirror these negative behaviors of their parents in adulthood.

Number 8: Narcissism is statistically more of a men’s thing.

75% of the total population of narcissists are men. Why so? Men are socialized under extreme and restricting views of masculinity. Under such circumstances, they struggle to healthily express feelings of loss and rejection. They are taught to be tough and to win; they’re our little soldiers, making them more vulnerable to narcissism.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

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