Narcissism 101

Are Narcissists Born or Made?


Number 9: Speaking of soldiers.

 Certain organizational structures encourage narcissistic traits. Hierarchical structures are home to the narcissist. They are naturally drawn to such professions because it validates their need for superiority and authority. A couple of professions fulfill this need, including the military, medicine, priesthood, politics, and sports. The actual disorder as well as the traits thrive in these environments.

 Number 10: It’s not always about the sense of authority.

Some people develop narcissistic traits because they were subject to conditional love. Their parents would show up when they did well and almost disown them when they failed. So, their sense of acceptance comes from their achievements. The child grows up believing they’re defined by the titles and the accolades rather than who they are. We can blame the parents – yet again not all children in such environments go on to become narcissists.

Read More: 10 Mental Illnesses You Get From Narcissists.

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