
How Narcissists Play Dirty Tricks On You?


Number 2: Gaslighting
Gaslighting is a manipulation tactic used by narcissists to make you think you’re crazy. They use your trust in them against you and make you doubt yourself. The goal is to make you question your sanity so they can continue their abusive behavior without consequence. Narcissists will use this by telling you something happened in a different way than it did, which may cause you to question your memory and reality.

Narcissists use gaslighting to make you think that everything wrong that happens is somehow your fault, even if they are the ones who caused it. They say something hurtful but deny saying it later on, making you question whether or not it happened. Narcissists make false accusations about something awful that happened in the past and try to convince others that it’s true by repeating these lies until they become facts. Narcissists twist words around so that what was once an insult becomes a compliment. It is one of the most common tactics they use to gain power over others and maintain control of their relationships.

Number 3: Projection
Narcissists use Projection as a defense mechanism to avoid the consequences of their behavior. They blame their bad actions on someone else so they don’t have to take responsibility for them. This can be tricky to spot because it’s not like they’re outright saying, “I did this to you.” Instead, narcissists will find some way to make it seem like you did something wrong. That way, they can feel justified in doing whatever hurt them.

Narcissists constantly project their behavior onto others because they can’t deal with guilt and shame. Instead, they put it all on you. For example, let’s say your partner cheated on you. Narcissists might accuse you of being unfaithful rather than confront their actions. They might also charge you with being lazy and not doing your fair share around the house when they are the ones who are constantly putting work ahead of the family.

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