
How Narcissists Play Dirty Tricks On You?


Number 6: Triangulation
Triangulation is a trick in which a narcissist tries to pit you against someone else, making you feel like you’re competing for their love and attention. The narcissist will often use a third person to put you on the spot, especially when they are feeling vulnerable. They may do this by conversing with you, bringing in another person like a friend or co-worker, and discussing how great that person is. The narcissist will act as if they don’t know what to do without that person and that they can’t be happy unless they are with them.

When dating a narcissist, you’ll notice that they’re always in the middle of a triangle: themselves, you, and someone else. If you try to get closer to them, they’ll push you away and pull in someone else. If you try to get closer to someone else, they’ll force themselves between the two of you and make sure they’re the ones getting all the attention. Narcissists are obsessed with power, making sure they have it over everyone around them.

Number 7: Deception
Deception is one of the dirty tricks that narcissists play on you. They lie with such ease that it can seem like they have no conscience. Narcissists will tell you what you want to hear and then do whatever they please. They might lie about their feelings for you, tell you things that aren’t true, or even manipulate the truth to get what they want.

Narcissists may tell you that they love you when they don’t, or say that something is not essential when it is. Narcissists will also use deception to protect themselves from being criticized or rejected by others. They may lie about things such as their accomplishments or even their history to make themselves appear better than they are.

Related: 10 Signs You Are Talking to a Covert Narcissist

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