Number 8: Ghosting
Ghosting is a dirty trick that narcissists use to avoid having to explain themselves or take responsibility for their actions. It’s when someone disappears on you without any warning or explanation, and you never hear from them again.
Narcissists are often incapable of being honest with themselves and others, so they’ll try to avoid dealing with you by simply not responding. If you’re dealing with a narcissist who ghosts you, there’s no point in getting them back into contact. They won’t talk to you until they are ready to do so. Even then, they may just disappear again at any time for no reason at all.
Number 9: Invalidation
Invalidation makes you feel like your thoughts, feelings, and experiences are invalid. Narcissists use this common tool to control you because it makes you question yourself and your reality. This can be done with words or by ignoring your emotions altogether.
Narcissists use invalidation to control their victims and strip them of their self-esteem. They make you feel like your emotions are unnecessary and excessive, which takes away your ability to cope effectively. The narcissist may say things like, “You’re too sensitive,” or, “That’s all in your head,” which makes you feel like you’re not being rational or logical enough. This can be damaging because it makes you feel alone as if no one else can understand what you’re going through.
Read More: 7 Things Narcissists Do When They Feel Unobserved
Number 10: Deviation
Deviation is one of the dirty tricks narcissists use to make you feel bad about yourself. Narcissists will see it as laughable, allowing them to belittle you in front of others. They’ll make a suggestion, and if you disagree with them, they’ll tell you that your idea was far off the mark.
This can be effective when they’re trying to undermine your decision-making ability in front of other people. Narcissists also use deviation to win you over. They will say one thing but then do another, or they’ll say something positive about you but then turn around and criticize you. It involves changing the rules of a situation so that you are somehow disadvantaged or breaking your trust.
Narcissists play dirty tricks on you because they cannot deal with their problems. They can’t handle the fact that they are imperfect, so they try to make you out to be the bad guy instead. Narcissists don’t care about your needs and wants; their only concern is themselves. At the end of the day, narcissists spite and lie because they believe they are better than you and, therefore, have the freedom to behave in any manner they like.
Read More: What Phrases Do Narcissists Say the Most?
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