Narcissism 101

How Narcissists Relate To People?


Generally, narcissists perceive people as mere tools to further their interests. With an inflated sense of superiority, they believe that whatever they do, others can do better or that the accomplishments of others are never good enough. If we consider their perpetual dissatisfaction with themselves, it becomes clear why they are unable to find satisfaction in others.

Covert narcissists can often identify fellow covert narcissists since their life motto aligns with one another: “Deceive, manipulate, and win at any cost!” However, they also believe they can outmaneuver each other and consider themselves superior. Occasionally, they may entertain the notion that there is a partner who matches their level. You might wonder who this person could be and how such a situation could occur.

Let’s explore the phenomenon known as the love-bombing phase, during which a narcissist becomes infatuated with someone. They begin envisioning this person as flawless, their soulmate, the one who will complete them. Endless fantasies are spun, transforming their love interest into an idealized version that deviates from reality. Consequently, they attempt to mold their partner to fit this fabricated image. However, this fleeting belief that someone is on their level is illusory.

In their pursuit of this imaginary soulmate, the narcissist forms judgments and conclusions about the person that lacks any basis in reality. Once the relationship solidifies and reality sets in, the narcissist is inevitably disappointed. Compliments and adoration transform into criticism, and the search for the perfect soulmate resumes. By constructing an idealized partner in their minds, narcissists set their significant others up for failure, often oblivious to the irrationality of their actions.

It is important to note that this mindset extends beyond romantic interests and permeates every aspect of their lives, resulting in frequent disappointments. By imposing their unrealistic and idealistic views on people and situations, they nurture secret, unattainable expectations. When these expectations are not met, the narcissist experiences severe disappointment and annoyance.

The narcissist firmly believes that others are unworthy of possessing the same things or occupying the same positions. They harbor an unfaltering conviction that they alone deserve the best, while others should exist to aid them in achieving their goals. They expect others to respect and serve them willingly and gladly, despite providing only meager rewards in return.

Essentially, the covert narcissist desires the world from others without offering anything substantial in exchange. This insatiable need for validation serves as a desperate attempt to alleviate their inner turmoil. Within their minds, an ongoing battle rages, as they tirelessly strive to prove their worth.

Covert narcissists also pass judgment on individuals who express emotions, perceiving them as weak and inferior, solely due to their human nature. Narcissists approach their own emotions strategically, contemplating what and how they should feel rather than embracing the authenticity of the moment. Their calculated nature influences everything they do.

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