Number 4. The narcissist’s next goal is to use you for his or her own benefit.
They care about you only as long as they may benefit from you in some way. That’s the first thing on their minds, and it will be the last thing on their minds before they fall asleep. Narcissists will exploit others for their benefit. They are always looking out for number one, and they won’t stop until they’ve found a method to benefit you financially or otherwise.
They aren’t interested in forming meaningful relationships with you; they’re only interested in getting what they think you have to offer. Narcissists are experts at projecting an image of flawlessness onto themselves and others. They will make you feel like the worst person in the world while professing they love you just so they may get what they want. They may be trusted to use your compassion and understanding against you before running away when they have had enough.
Number 5. Narcissists have a pathological need for adulation and praise.
They are always looking for ways to boost their profile. They’d be flattered if you took note of them and their efforts, and came to the conclusion that more of them would be helpful. Insecure people like narcissists can’t handle it when others begin to prove themselves. Let’s say you’ve already decided to ignore him for the sake of argument.
Therefore, a narcissist would increase the pressure by making it look like a lack of devotion or civility on your side if you don’t constantly lavish them with compliments. There are a number of methods that can be used to break your spirit, including disparaging your efforts, attacking your sense of self-worth, gaslighting you into thinking things aren’t what they appear, breaking off a relationship, and so on.
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