Narcissism 101

Send This Text Before Leaving a Toxic Partner


Number 6: I’m just not ready for this level of commitment.

Sometimes the classic break-up texts are classic for a reason. A common tactic that a toxic partner will employ when they sense friction in a relationship is to try to push you into making big decisions with little or no time to think things over.

If you are in a relationship with someone who wants to push a serious step, such as moving in together or getting engaged, you may have to try this line. “I’m just not ready for this level of commitment,” is a great thing to say or text a person who is pushing you into making a decision you just aren’t ready to make. Saying this will buy you time to make a decision on your own, or to shut them down once and for all.

Toxic relationships can quickly become stressful when you give in to their constant need for escalation, and this is something that thrill-seeking partners will often do to keep the relationship alive. This tactic almost never works, though, and it usually just makes the eventual break-up messier than it ever had to be.

Don’t fall for a pushy partner who tries to weigh you down with increasingly serious ties. If you ever feel like your partner is trying to trap you in the relationship, that’s a good time to start making your exit plan and create a bit of distance.

Number 5: I don’t feel like you love me as much as you love yourself.

Even though the majority of us are trying to date to find a lifelong partner, there are also quite a few out there who only want a partner to further their own selfish ambitions or needs. Narcissists fall into this category, and their lack of empathy makes them a difficult choice for a relationship. People who wind up in relationships with a narcissist often describe feeling like their needs don’t matter as much as their partner’s, and that they were doing most of the work.

This is usually how the balance goes too, so telling them something like, “I don’t feel like you love me as much as you love yourself,” can accurately get your point across. Because you are describing your feelings, there really isn’t anything that the other person can say to discredit you, and that is going to make it easier to break things off.

Narcissists usually look for people with low self-esteem or people who are willing to care for others and their wants more than even themselves. If you feel like you fit the bill in that description, you should make sure that you are not letting them derail you from making your points, and that you are firm in your words. 

You may also want to read this:

6 things That Instantly Triggers a Narcissist

7 Things That Will Happen During Narcissistic Rage

10 Things A Narcissist Wants After A Breakup

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