Number 4: They need you far more than you need them.
And they need you in ways fundamental to their survival and the facade and the mask they use to conceal who they truly are. So, what exactly does that mean? The narcissist needs you for their identity. They need you as a continual and constant reminder that they are relevant, that they are special, and that they are, in their mind, superior to others. They obtain these feelings and these beliefs about their identity on a moment-to-moment basis.
Most people don’t understand the severity of why narcissists need constant streams of narcissistic supply. They need that because, without it, they feel deep feelings of inferiority, of imperfection, of not being a winner, and certainly not being a superior person to others. That’s how fragile their ego truly is underneath it all.
They must have constant reminders, a constant and continual reflection in the form of another person that serves as evidence and confirmation that they are as special and perfect as they desperately want, and need to believe that they are. Without that, they are in danger of falling apart or what we call a narcissistic collapse.
Read More: Things Narcissists Do Not Care About (YOU)
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