Narcissism 101

The Narcissist’s Initial Reaction To Your Silence or Absence.


Number 3: Another emotion is contempt.

The Narcissist is utterly disgusted by the fact that this person has done this to them. In the mind of the Narcissist, they were doing you a favor by tolerating you. So, how dare you think that you can disregard them? This again would cause the Narcissist to feel insecure even for a short time. Your supply may not have been top-notch, but it was still supply. So, although the Narcissist may go on to show indifference to your departure it was not without provoking a feeling of inadequacy and some dark and shameful thoughts.

Number 4: The fourth possible emotion is anger.

This can be active or passive. Active anger involves lashing out such as being physically or verbally aggressive or abusive. Then there is passive anger which is kept inward and displayed in their silent treatments, sarcasm, becoming hostile or bitter, and smear campaigns. The ones they choose will be dependent on whether they still have access to you or not.

For example, if you have chosen to ignore the Narcissist but still have to work with them live with them, or be around them socially, they may lash out at you, be more hostile with you, or use sarcasm to tear you down. Whereas if you have gone no contact and cut them out completely, a full-blown smear campaign will be the best choice for them.

Because even though we may be successful in establishing No Contact with a Narcissist it does not mean that it is the end of the Narcissist. Sometimes the Narcissist just does not give up. It may take days, weeks, months, or years but they eventually find a way back to you.

You may also want to read this:

What Makes Narcissists Crazy Thinking about?

10 Ways To Identify A Narcissist

How to Make Narcissists Regret Losing You?

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