Number 5: This person will completely break down over minor fights or disagreements.
One of the reasons this happens is because any time that person’s parent was mad at them when they were a child, they got into a tremendous amount of trouble, and typically, the crime never fit the punishment. So, when someone is talking in a more aggressive or angry tone with the mentally abused person; this subconsciously takes them back to a time when they were a child and got into trouble with their abusive parent.
Many times, mentally abused people will have a very real fear of any person in an authoritative position, especially if they get a little upset about something; this can be a major trigger for people who have been mentally abused.
Number 6: This person will say thank you (over and over) if someone does something nice for them.
Usually, this person will not have much experience with anyone doing something nice for them. So, when someone does, it can be a bit of a shock and unfortunately, usually, the abused person will not feel that they are worthy of the gift. They can almost look like they are in a state of shock, they just can’t believe someone did something nice for them so they say thank you many many times.
Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.
Number 7: Difficulties in making decisions.
This person usually will have a very difficult time making decisions, having to make even the simplest of decisions can be terrifying to this person. They are terrified that they will make the wrong decision that other people won’t agree with their decisions, or that they will be made fun of because of their decisions. Because the mentally abused person has been teased, taunted, humiliated, degraded, and insulted a million times through the years, they are very uneasy about making decisions.
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