Number 8: The mentally abused person can get angry or frustrated pretty easily.
It’s important to understand that trauma shows up and reveals itself as a reaction, and sometimes those reactions can look pretty intense. Also, people who are being exposed to abuse for long periods, usually years or decades, are living in fight-flight survival mode, and when a human being is in this state, the brain is solely focused on survival.
When we are in this state, we cannot even access the logical part of our brain, so our reactions can seem pretty intense or out of proportion. So please, keep that in mind if you have a loved one who has been mentally abused.
A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.
Number 9: The person usually approaches things from a defensive perspective.
They can start getting defensive even when there isn’t any real reason to feel defensive, and again, that is because they have lived in an environment where they have had to constantly be on guard, constantly be ready to defend themselves against absolutely anything. So, they become accustomed to feeling this way.
Number 10: The person will have an overall negative outlook about themselves and the world.
They tend to be pretty pessimistic about the future and what they will do or be able to do in the future. Sometimes you might refer to someone like this as a Debbie Downer. But that’s only because this person has been abused and likely doesn’t see a way out.
Read More: 10 Mental Illnesses You Get From Narcissists.
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